Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm a shy guy and need advice on asking a girl out?

Is there any specific way to go about it? I need guidance here.I'm a shy guy and need advice on asking a girl out?
It takes guts to ask any girl out. I know what your going though.

Just sigh...swallow ..get your ego up..and just go up to her and say Hi.

What ever you do, don't pass her an note saying do you want to go out. Tell her in person.I'm a shy guy and need advice on asking a girl out?
If I give you advice on how to over come your fears and ask this girl out, I'm assuming you have a plan on where to take her?

You see usually the reason why most guys are afraid to ask a girl out, is because they don't plan ahead. If I had to guess, your plan is ask her out, and then during the date you'll get to know about her interests while at the same time showing her a good time. Yes?

Try it backwards. Get to know her big interests first (in whatever way you plan to get to know her) and plan a date that revolves around her interests.

Your fear of asking a girl out comes from your fear of being rejected. If you asked her out so you two can hang out at the mall, chances are, you just might get blown off. If for example she likes acting, and you ask her out to see a live theater production, chances are she'll say yes.
Just get to know her by asking her if she wants to go for a drink sometime. The ladies will love you if you are shy its cute lol

Good Luck

Jade x
call her up and say : i was thinking about how nice you are and about the possibility of us going out on a date :) she would say yes unless she is not interested
tell your friend, or one of her friends to tell her....

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