Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My 7 year old son got in trouble for holding hands and hugging a little girl at school today. any advice on?

how i should handle this situation?My 7 year old son got in trouble for holding hands and hugging a little girl at school today. any advice on?
leave it be,, at least he's not gay.My 7 year old son got in trouble for holding hands and hugging a little girl at school today. any advice on?
Many schools now say this because they don't want to discriminate between good and bad touching. I say it's a good teaching situation. My daughter's JK school didn't allow it at all and my very peaceful, never-hit-anyone child couldn't understand why she suddenly couldn't hug. My children had always hugged their little friends hello and goodbye on play dates. In SK she went to a different school and they had no problem with hugging. Thought it was nice. Even my son hugged his friends goodbye and they hugged him. Noone batted an eye.

If he really only hugged and held hands and the school doesn't claim he did anything else then I would definitely tell my son he did nothing wrong but his school has a ';hands off'; policy that he needs to follow when he is at school. I would not worry that his father will not see it as a big deal. It isn't a big deal. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it at the school level but if they did I would casually say that I had always encouraged my children to express affection in an open and healthy way as that is a very good way to raise a child who knows the difference between good and bad touching (those are the ';keywords'; for affection versus sexual abuse touching). Tell them you think it's important to start healthy attitudes in children when they are young.
Let me just say that this is ludicrous. Children at 7 years old are innocent. Growing up I had a very tough childhood because of a school that reacted to minor things like this with a major attitude (EX: I was sent to a principles office and my mother was called because I took too long taking my snow suit off after recess in the winter).

Teachers at the younger levels have a way of blowing things out of proportion and while I understand their drive for bringing up a child, there needs to be limits.

I would recommend handling this issue the same way my parents handled things like this. Sit your child down and explain they did nothing wrong but in life sometimes people (teachers included) have different beliefs and values. Tell your child that they are not to do this again in school because it makes waves (obviously they won't know what ';makes waves'; mean but use your own terms). Unfortunately, this may be a life lesson that your child needs to learn at a young age. I learned a lot of lessons before 14 that most adults do not realize.

I would then call the school and arrange a meeting with the principal and teacher's involved. In the meeting ask if they have better things to be concerned about then a a little boy being nice to a little girl.

These kinds of situations make me very mad because I know what I went through as a child. Stand by your child and fight for them against piddly stuff like this. When they are wrong, let them know but when the have to deal with something like this and you're behind them, it makes a bond that I can not describe. I love my parents and would do anything for them because they stood by me when most parents wouldn't.

Remember that schools are not always right. As far as telling his father, I would. This is not a big deal and the two of you should be united in telling the school that they are out of line. Best of luck!
It's NOT a big deal - do NOT make it one.

The school has to implement these rules (that's what they call it) because they don't want things to get ';out of hand.';

Just let your son know that this kind of behavior isn't allowed at school.

My son (who is 10) got into trouble because one of his friends (a girl) got an ';A'; on her test and he hugged her and they told him, ';no touching at school!';

GO to the school and let them know that you have talked with your son and he understands that he can't do this. END OF STORY.

Just tell your son that the school has RULES and he has to abide by them.
Schools have become so sensitive about things like this lately and a lot of it has to do with how easily people take things to the extreme lately and they just want to make sure there a** is covered if the other child's parent were to be upset. I would just let your son know that he hasn't done anything wrong but that he can't do that at school. As far as your husband goes he probably won't make a big deal out of it because really it's not. What he did was harmless and has nothing to do with sexual behavior so don't make him feel like he did something horrible..it's just something not acceptable for school i guess.
Its not a big deal.

He was holding hands and hugged her...where is the crime? its not like he peaked up her skirt or made out with her.

Do you think it is a big deal? if not, I would fight it because your son did nothing wrong.
Thats' cute,lol.

I'd E-mail or call or any type of communication, and have a thorough explanation ready on why you believe there was no reason to get your son in trouble.
Tell him that if he can get through the whole school day without physical contact with her then she can come over and do whatever they like in the privacy of his bedroom.
why would he get in trouble for HUGGING??

There is nothing sexual about it, it's something that friends do.
WOW! That is dumb. I would e-mail or call the teacher. Tell dad to let u handle it.
I have KISSED girls at school when I was 5 and the teachers were happy.
forget about it

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